Welcome Dear Reader, 

If you found your way here, it was not by accident. This inaugural blog post is a starting point for both of us.

My name is Suzan Fleck and for almost 25 years, I have practiced Japanese/Chinese medicine, guiding people through life and health challenges with the tools of acupuncture, herbs, bodywork, meditation and mindfulness. My intention with this blog is to formalize the guidance, tools, resources and actions I have shared with my clients since 1998. 

This is a deeply personal endeavor for me and I intend to share my own journey, having both used each of tools and concepts in my own life. Therefore, it is integral for me to share at this time; I am not a psychotherapist (we have psychotherapists on staff here at Circle of Health if you are seeking those services). I am not a Western Allopathic physician (Circle of Health has those too). I am not nutritionist or trainer.  I approach this blog as both a fellow traveler seeking to LIVE MY BEST LIFE as well as a Chinese medicine provider.  The information herein is for your consideration and hopefully, will resonate with you in a way that inspires you to embrace your highest potential and live a life of health, vitality, loving your NOW, and growing into everything life has to offer you.

There is no right way to read this blog. The blogs are stream of consciousness. They cover many different topics and orientations. All are intended to serve you to explore from the point of your own attraction to the material and are discreet units of information. Each post will have a basic topic, some discussion and in most cases, links to materials and tools to help you further explore or implement the information in your daily life.

Because really, what I have found is the greatest determiner of what you experience mentally, emotionally and physically is what you DO every day.

As the mindset maven Esther/Abraham Hicks says, 'You get what you pay attention to, whether you like it or not'.

And this is where it all begins, my friends.

Our bodies, these incredibly elegant systems designed to survive and perpetuate our genetic line, drive us through life with the unconscious autonomic system. Allowing us to breathe, blink, salivate, digest, and countless other tasks without a thought. Our unconscious stockpiles information and creates a safe and reliable road map for life for us, aiming for stability, trusting the comfortable predictable and narrowing our future experiences with every event, whether traumatic or ecstatic, as mentioned in books like "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD.

 Our bodies' shapes and health shift and change, contract and expand according to our experiences. I know that seems like an obvious statement but pause a moment and reflect on how unconsciously we as a culture move through modern life. 

When was the last time you heard someone say, 'I have a migraine today' and someone replies conversationally, 'do you know why?' or is it more likely the offer of a painkiller to ease the discomfort?

In a culture where comfort is offered to us at every turn, it is easy to forget that your body is your vehicle, your space suit, as Ram Dass/Richard Alpert, spiritual leader and author describes it, a guidance system that provides you with non-stop feedback regarding your operational systems. Every pain, every symptom from a muscle cramp to an acne breakout, insomnia to chronic fatigue is telling you that your system needs tweaking or a tune up, and learning to listen to your body is one of the greatest conversations you will ever have. 

Step One is becoming conscious of and listening and learning the language of the body in all it's aspects.

Step Two is taking action to help your body to fall back to health, which it is always striving to do with each signal it gives requesting change in the routines that you carry out daily.

And Step Three is allowing yourself to abandon the early cultural, familial and peer conditioning we have all received that says living by default, staying caught in the rat race of busy, unintentional living is really living at all.  This is also the step where you step INTO a relationship with your body, your spirit and your divine purpose and really experience health and vitality.

So if you have made it this far, you may be someone looking for answers, maybe even THE answer to living a more fulfilling life mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically. Welcome. These are the tools that have worked for me. 

Stay tuned...here is a bit of what we will be exploring:

The Tipping Point & The Choice

The Classical Chinese Medicine Theory of the 5 Phases and how you can use it to understand inner/interpersonal relationship

Epigenetics and Family Conditioning & Entanglements 

The Importance of Ritual

The Default Button

Survivor Mode

Transforming Overwhelm to Opportunity Mindset

Trusting your Gut/The Role of Intuition in your Daily life

Grief in all its' Forms & Stages

The Silent Partnership of Anxiety & Depression

When the Light Goes Out/Finding Purpose

The 7 Emotions as Described by Chinese Medicine

Gratitude Practices

Patterns, Loops & Resets

The Firehose of Stimulation

Ancestral Entanglements

Creator Mindset

Mindfulness Tools

If you are interested in exploring the books/authors I have mentioned here. These are Amazon affiliate links:

The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel Vad Der Kork  https://amzn.to/4754bAK

The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks https://amzn.to/46zVUop

Ask and it is Given by Esther Hicks https://amzn.to/3tLCUF0

The Astonishing Power of Emotions by Esther Hicks https://amzn.to/46Hh6ZO

This is a free version of Ram Dass' work with meditation https://www.amazon.com/Journey-of-Awakening-Ram-Dass-audiobook/dp/B0000544S9/ref=sr_1_10?crid=1RUHCQNDHOWUF&keywords=ram+dass+books&qid=1698182644&s=audible&sprefix=ram+dass+books%2Caudible%2C102&sr=1-10